Programs Offered

starter Basic Program

Starter / Basic Program

This consists of control and pass, footwork and speed, agility, and quickness training.

  • Player Development: To provide tailored training programs that cater to players' individual needs, fostering their technical, tactical, physical, and mental skills.
  • Warm-Up: Light jogging, dynamic stretches, and basic ball control exercises to prepare the body for activity.
  • Skill Development: Focus on basic techniques such as dribbling, passing, and shooting. Incorporate fun drills to keep young players engaged.
  • Small-Sided Games: Play 3v3 or 4v4 games to encourage teamwork, spatial awareness, and decision-making.
  • Rules and Sportsmanship: Explain basic rules, sportsmanship, and fair play concepts.


This consists of speed, agility and quickness, basic skills, advanced control and pass techniques, basic positional play.

  • Teamwork: We believe in the power of collaboration, fostering an environment where players learn to work together harmoniously towards common goals.
  • Sportsmanship: We instill the values of fair play, respect for opponents, and graciousness in victory and defeat.
  • Warm-Up: More dynamic movements, agility drills, and ball juggling to improve coordination.
  • Skill Refinement: Work on advanced ball control, passing accuracy, and shooting techniques.
  • Tactical Training: Introduce basic positioning, movement off the ball, and small tactical scenarios.
  • Small-Sided Games: 5v5 or 6v6 games on a larger field to develop strategic thinking and teamwork.
  • Fitness and Conditioning: Incorporate interval training, sprints, and endurance exercises.


Everything that is covered in the intermediate program with additional focus on positional play and advanced skills and ball work.

  • Warm-Up: Intense dynamic warm-up, agility ladder drills, and individual ball work.
  • Skill Mastery: Intensive practice of advanced techniques, such as bending shots, chip passes, and advanced dribbling moves.
  • Tactical Drills: Focus on advanced formations, off-the-ball movements, and decision-making under pressure.
  • Full-Sided Games: 11v11 matches to simulate real-game situations and encourage adaptability.
  • Position-Specific Training: Position-specific drills to enhance the players' understanding of their roles.
  • Strength and Conditioning: Incorporate strength training, agility work, and injury prevention exercises.
  • Fitness and Conditioning: Incorporate interval training, sprints, and endurance exercises.

Excellence Program

We handpick players for this programs based on there skills. Training elite players for competitive environments, emphasizing mental resilience, advanced tactics, and high-level physical performance.

  • Warm-Up: Intensive warm-up routine, plyometric exercises, and ball mastery drills.
  • Precision Skills: Practice high-level skills like volleys, flicks, and controlled first-touch techniques.
  • Advanced Tactical Training: In-depth analysis of opponent formations, set-piece strategies, and complex game scenarios.
  • Intense Scrimmages: High-intensity 11v11 matches with focus on strategy execution and adaptability.
  • Mental Conditioning: Mindfulness, visualization, and sports psychology techniques to enhance focus and resilience.
  • High-Performance Conditioning: Intense interval training, agility work, and advanced strength training.
  • Regeneration: Foam rolling, recovery stretches, and discussing lessons learned.
  • Video Analysis: Review game footage to analyze individual and team performance.